Read First!

Clarifying a couple confusing things

Hi. I'm not good with intros, but there are some confusing things I need to clear up, namely what would be a very obvious question... Wt...

Monday, January 8, 2024


Date Written - June 6, 2023
Inspiration - All the Magic [Karliene] Characters - Lucien Morningstar (v4, the Sorcerer), Judgmental Villagers Warnings - Old timey insults.
Lucien ignored the stares as he made his way through the town. He was on a
mission, and no one could stop him! Ah, the sweet face of the young lady next
door was etched into his mind, and after many months, he needed to make his
feelings clear. Her lovely voice echoed in his mind as he spotted the flowers,
and was drawn to the roses. The serpentine man almost danced, carefully
picking only the very finest. He chose a combination of red, white and pink,
and brought them to the florist. "This will be all." He paid more than necessary,
but that didn't matter. All that he needed was to see that angelic woman, and
hear those three beautiful words...
It wasn't long before he found himself on her doorstep. Taking in a deep breath
for courage, he knocked on the door. This is it!
Ah! And there she was, her beautiful amber eyes sparkling in the sunlight! "My
fair lady, I have come today to admit to something," a bright smile displayed
itself upon his lips. He lifted the delicate bouquet, but she made no move to
take them. "Please, accept my affections, my darling."
Her eyes widened, utterly shocked by her quiet neighbour's boldness. "I..." Her
eyes softened as she saw the hope in his gaze. "I... I'm so sorry..."
Lucien's heart stopped. Why was she apologizing? "What do you mean?" He
felt a pit of dread in his stomach.
"I mean that...I do not return your feelings..." She stared at the ground between
them, flinching when the bouquet was dropped.
All the serpent could hear was a distant shatter. It was happening again... His
world was crumbling again... He couldn't even hold back the tears this time.
The aching in his heart was agonizing... It was a pain he had never felt before.
It was unbearable. However, the heartbreak quickly turned into anger as he
chuckled to himself. "So this is how you pay me back for everything that I've
done for you..." He whispered, not bothering to listen to the woman's request
for him to speak up. "You WRETCH!" Dark power quickly built up around his
body, "I performed protection spells for you! I've defended you from harm!
I stopped my research for you! I put myself out into the open for you! I gave my
heart to you! I give you everything without question or cost! This is the thanks I
get?" His voice rose with every word until his voice was drowned out by the
fearful shrieks from the villagers that were caught in his storm. The clouds
darkened, and thunder roared as he chanted spells he had only read in his
mother's old tomes. Today he would put everything he knew to the test. He
would raise hell upon this wretched village. They would pay for everything. I
won't let anyone hurt me ever again. I swear, I will dedicate the rest of my life
to my magic and research.
He caught someone trying to sneak up on him in
an attempt to kill him, but he only laughed. He lifted a hand and seized control
of the poor fool's mind, ordering it to destroy everything.
"I won't stop until everyone is punished." He crouched down and put a palm on
the ground. "Rise, my ancestors, it's time to make them pay for our centuries of
suffering!" Necromancy. It was taboo, but he didn't care anymore. No forbidden
art was off his table now. "There will be people who one day seek me out. Not
to kill me, but to request my services. They will pay me with what they hold dear
to their heart!"

"Bastard!" One villager cried from the crowd. "Kill him! He's a danger to our
society!" Lucien narrowed his eyes. He had exhausted himself during his
rampage. He had certainly destroyed the entire village, and now he was
being sentenced for death by hanging. "You brought all of this upon
yourselves!" The serpent felt emotion try to take hold of him. No. Not anymore.
I won't let them have the chance to hurt me again! He shook his head and
released his power yet again. However, he couldn't inflict any more damage.
His strength was far past spent. All he could do now was escape. They'll beg
me to return when they realize the miracles I can perform. He gritted his teeth
as he struggled to remove the rope that bound his hands together. No time! He
looked up when the sound of people coming to capture him again. All he could
do now was run. I'll go to the old house in the woods. It's far from here, nice and
quiet, without any sunlight. It's perfect. It'll be safe there. And so that became
his destination. There, he would continue his research and obtain more power.
He would open up to customers searching for his sorcery to help solve their
problems, just as he had promised yesterday. He would observe the results from
afar, and wait for the day the world finally paid for all the pain it put him through.
Who knows... Perhaps playing with their weak minds might end up becoming a
fun little activity?

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