Read First!

Clarifying a couple confusing things

Hi. I'm not good with intros, but there are some confusing things I need to clear up, namely what would be a very obvious question... Wt...

Monday, January 8, 2024


Date Written - June 9, 2023
Characters - Satan (Lucien), Kayan Myrski, The Lord, Generic Seraph
Lucien sighed as he entered the room. It was beautiful, heavenly. It made his
eyes burn. He was, after all, the king of demons. Lucifer, Satan, Sin, the
Adversary, the Morning Star, Humanity's  Downfall… All those names all
belonged to him. However, ever since his coronation, he preferred to go by
Lucien Morningstar. It marked a new way of life for him, to separate himself
from his past actions. Today, he existed to keep the hoard of demons from
destroying the material realm, or what others liked to call 'Earth'. He couldn't
help but be a little nervous about the prophecy from the Book of Revelations.
Just what did the Lord have in store for him? Lucien had already sworn to not
interfere with life. His duty was to keep the gates of Hell sealed. All he asked
for in return was knowledge. He felt envy bubble up inside him when he set
eyes upon the Lord, his Creator. "Why am I here? You have never once
brought me out of my domain for any reason… So why?"
The Lord chuckled softly at Lucien's irritation. "You will see. This involves you."
Before Lucien could respond with a sarcastic retort, a golden-haired male
entered the room.
"Woah!! This place is so cool! Where am I?" The recently deceased male
asked excitedly to the Lord. It seemed he had absolutely no clue who he was
talking to.
An atheist perhaps? But…why would he be here? Usually non-believers end
up in Purgatory to learn of the Truth. Lucien was utterly confused. How did this
involve him? This man obviously wasn't a criminal. He would have automatically
been sent to the Demon Realm if he had. He crossed his arms and gave the
Lord a confused look.
"OHH!! Are you God? That's so cool! I was never really sure if a higher power
existed, so I decided to play safe and not think about it too hard." The man
laughed to himself.
Lucien's eyes widened at that response. "You… You aren't going to refuse to
believe in the existence of the Lord?"
"Of course not! The proof is right in front of me! Why wouldn't I consider the
existence of the Big Holy Cheese?" He gave the demon king a bright smile.
Big… Holy… Cheese? This terminology was not in any of Lucien’s books back
in the palace.
A seraph leaned close to him and whispered, "He means Divine Leader. I heard
that this one isn't the brightest of the bunch."
"Ah." But again, what the hell did this have to do with hi-
"You must be the Big Demon Cheese!!"
Lucien's brain paused. What did this human just call me?
The man tilted his head and observed the demon king. "You look a lot different
compared to your representations…"
"How so?" Lucien was curious. He never gave a thought about how humans
imagined him as.
The male closed his eyes to recall the many paintings."Well, a lot of humans
have painted you as this small red-skinned thing. Sleek skin and a thin hooked
tail. Overall, it's really unpleasant to look at."
"Unpleasant?!" Lucien was absolutely furious now. "I'm beautiful! I'm the Morning
Star! The former favourite of the Lord!! How dare you humans call me physically
The male shook his hands and waved his arms in front of him in a panic. "No, no,
no! That's not what I meant! It's not my opinion. That's what others have thought.
I didn't really care. That depiction just happens to be the most popular." He paused,
staring at the demon lord again. "Huh… You give off some lonely vibes…"
Lucien’s anger was doused by that statement. Lonely? What was the man talking
about? He thrived in solitude! He hated being pestered by other demons, constantly
attempting to trick him into releasing the seal on the gate. How could he be lonely?
"From now on, I'm gonna me your friend!"
He couldn't believe it! This human was actually choosing him over eternal peace?
What was wrong with him?! He turned to the Lord, only to be met with a gentle smile.
The Lord stood from His seat. "Kayan Myrsky, are you sure you wish to go with
Lucifer to the demon realm?"
Kayan nodded excitedly. "Yup! I'm gonna be his friend from now on!"
"I don't need friends!" Lucien quickly interjected I'm an attempt to dissuade the man,
who appeared to be named Kayan. "I'm perfectly fine!"
"Nah, bro, my gut tells me you don't get out much. I'm gonna help change that!" Kayan
crossed his arms and grinned.
Lucien lifted a hand to hold his head. He could sense that there would be many
headaches in the near future. "Fine… Not like I have any say in the matter. I don't
have that level of authority outside of my domain."
"Then it's settled. Lucien Morningstar, from this day forward, you have a new friend,"
the Lord smiled, though Lucien couldn't help but wonder if this was payback for the
Angelic Rebellion. "Take care of him." Just which 'him' was the Lord talking about?
It was a question that would probably never have an answer.
Lucien sighed again. Now he knew he had no say. "Alright, Gremlin, let's go. I'll show
you around so you don't get lost."
Kayan cheered at that, and he rushed to his new friend's side. "This is gonna be great!"
How innocent of him… Sweet. Although he didn't know it, a tiny sliver of a smile
appeared on his lips as he showed the new demon the way home.

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